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Korea Trip 2004 ~ Day 8: August 27th

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The last day for the group in Korea arrived. After surviving a long night out on the town at various clubs in Seoul, presentations of awards were made, and then check out from the Grand Hilton, the last of our 5 star hotels. We weren't done yet though as stops were made for shopping around town before the long flights home. Some nice souvenirs were gotten for family and friends back home. Yet these could only provide a glimpse for those at home to the incredible time had by the participants.


After so many years of anticipation for a Hwa Rang Do Korea Trip to be arranged, it had occurred and passed leaving a memorable and inspirational impression for the rest of our lives. Those who made it could not help but feel the pulse of this unique country that is the home of our Hwarang ancestors.

Because of the enthusiastic response and enjoyment by all there are sure to be future trips, make sure you don't miss out next time!


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