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Korea Trip 2004 ~ Day 1: August 20th

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Day 1 Picture Gallery

After a long awaited and very much anticipated travel day, people from around the world met in Los Angeles, Rome, and Frankfurt to begin their journey to Korea. It was an impressive collection of people from the many dojangs that participated on the trip. Everyone meeting in their new special T-shirts, the mass of HRD bodies buzzed with excitement. The flights were long ones, but landing in Korea was very special, as most of the participants had never set foot on this land before.

After landing, the tour jumped right in to the action. The buses filled for the first time and drove to bustling capital city of Seoul. Even before checking into the hotel the group made a stop at Gyeongbok Palace before the first lunch real Korean style!

After making it to the hotel, and then a practice for the demonstration team, everyone enjoyed a great ceremony and show at the banquet. (See other gallery for more details).

All in all, the excitement was hard to contain for all the participants on the trip. Long flights, not much sleep, yet everyone was pumped for the action and travel that was to come.


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