Get Your Official Limited Edition “SULSA” – Hwa Rang Do® Hand-To-Hand Combat Special Weapons/Special Tactics & Combatives T-Shirt

Sulsa-Front Sulsa-Back

To commemorate Michael D. Echanis legacy, we are making available a VERY LIMITED EDITION Hwa Rang Do SULSA T-shirt, which officially recognizes Hwa Rang Do’s contribution to Special Forces combatives.

The front of the shirt will have our Hwa Rang Do crest with “SULSA” written in Chinese characters on the left and “Hwa Rang Do” in Chinese on the right.

The back of the shirt has our official “SULSA” logo with “Hwa Rang Do” across the top and the following written below the logo:

Hwa Rang Do® Hand-To-Hand Combat Special Weapons/Special Tactics & Combatives

John F Kennedy Center HWA RANG DO® School for Hand-To-Hand Combat and Special Weapons (at Fort Bragg)

SEAL Team TWO HWA RANG DO® School for Hand-To-Hand Combat and Special Weapons (at U.S. Naval Amphibious Base in Norforlk, Virginia)

We will be taking pre-orders until Thursday, Nov 19th, making just enough to fulfill on these orders and that’s it!

We may choose to make this design in the future, but don’t count on it!

($29.95 + tax/shipping)

For International (Non-USA) Orders, Please Email for shipping quotes

Get Our Official Hwa Rang Do 11-11-11 Day of Calming T-Shirt

This Shirt Design was made available to commemorate the establishing of the World Hwa Rang Do Association officially as a Humanitarian Non-Profit Organization.

The front of the shirt is a homage to ‘Star Wars’, although we do truly aspire to be the “Jedi” of the future and establishing ourselves as a non-profit is the first fundamental step towards that commitment.


The back of the shirt outlines how we commemorate the anniversary of this date, by observing a moment of meditation. reflection and prayer while inviting the world to do the same. We refer to this day as ‘The Day of Calming‘.


Pre-Order Your ‘Darkside’ Shirts Today!

($29.95 + tax/shipping)

For International (Non-USA) Orders, Please Email for shipping quotes

Order Both the Day of Calming and SULSA T-Shirts and Get Free Shipping!

($58.90 + tax/shipping)

For International (Non-USA) Orders, Please Email for shipping quotes

If you have any trouble, have any questions or would like to place a custom order, please email for assistance.

These shirts are being printed this month and shipping out this month in very limited quantities! Once we are sold out, we are SOLD OUT!