March 1942:
Present day Founder (DoJoo Nim) Dr. Joo-Bang Lee and his brother, Joo-Sang Lee begin their formal training from Suahm Dosa. Both brothers, ages 5 & 6, were the sole students of Suahm Dosa. (Ham Nam An Byun Gun, Suk Wang Sa Temple, North Korea)

December 1948:
Due to the communist takeover of North Korea, the Lee Family moved with Suahm Dosa to South Korea. (Yang Mi Ahm Temple on O Dae Mountain)

October 1956:
Lee Brothers attain Master level of Dae Dong Ryu Yu Sool (modern name – Hapkido) from it’s founder – Yong Sool Choi. (Dae Gu, Korea)

April 15, 1960:
Dr. Joo-Bang Lee founded the name HWA RANG DO® to describe his martial arts skills with respect to the culture of the Hwa Rang. First HWA RANG DO® HDQTS open. (Jong Ro Gu, Jong Ro Oh Ga, Seoul, Korea)

October 3, 1960:
1st HWA RANG DO® Open Martial Arts Expo is held at HWA RANG DO® Hdqts.(Jong Ro, Seoul, Korea)

November 1962:
The Lee Brothers founded the Korean Martial Art Assoc. (Han Kuk MuSool Hwe) short name- Kuk Sool Hwe: Members were Uoo T. Kim, Han C. Lee, In-Hyuk Suh, and Moo J. Kim. (Seoul, Korea)

January 1963:
The Korean Martial Art Assoc. opened their Pusan Academy – by Han C. Lee and In-Hyuk Suh. (Pusan, Korea)

April 17, 1964:
The 2nd Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. and Korean Martial Art Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (Jang Chung Sports Arena – Seoul, Korea)

June 1, 1965:
The 3rd Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. and Korean Martial Art Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (Jang Chung Sports Arena – Seoul, Korea)

April 13, 1966:
The 4th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. and Korean Martial Art Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (Jang Chung Sports Arena – Seoul, Korea)

July 1966:
The Korean Martial Art Association (Kuk Sool Hwe) is disbanded. (Seoul, Korea)

April 25, 1967:
The 5th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held .(Jang Chung Sports Arena – Seoul, Korea)

October 3, 1967:
The 6th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (Jong Ro – Seoul, Korea)

May 27, 1968:
The Lee Brothers unify the Korean Martial Arts & Open Expo at the request of Korea’s President Park. Before 1968, the Korean Martial Arts included: HWA RANG DO®, KiHapdo, KukSoolKwan Hapkido,SoungMuKwan Hapkido, Kukkido, Bi Sool, Ki Do, Yu Sool, Yu Kwon Sool. (Jang Chung Sports Arena)

Hwa Rang Do® Founder Dr. Joo-Bang Lee receives highest rank of 8th Dan Degree in Hap Ki Do by Daedongryu Yusool Korean founder Yong Sool Choi. (Seoul, Korea)

August 1968:
HWA RANG DO® Demonstration Invitation for Japan’s FUJI TV. (Tokyo, Japan)

August 1968:
Head Grandmaster(Kuksun Nim) Joo-Sang Lee opens first HWA RANG DO® Academy in USA. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

September 1968:
Dr. Joo-Bang Lee receives prestigious LION’S AWARD – given to the Best Martial Artist in Korea. (Seoul, Korea)

October 15, 1968:
The 8th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (HWA RANG DO® National Headquarters – Seoul, Korea)

April 16, 1969:
The 9th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (Jang Chung Sports Arena – Seoul, Korea)

July 7, 1969:
Suahm Dosa passes away. (Yang Mi Ahm Temple on O Dae Mountain, Korea)

Founder Dr. Joo-Bang Lee becomes the 58th heir to the title of Hwarang and Supreme Grandmaster (This Title was handed down in direct lineage from one person to another since the beginning of the Chosun Dynasty – approximately 500 years). The monks also passed a secret set of techniques only to one disciple of each generation. Therefore Supreme Grandmaster and Head Grandmaster are the only ones to know these techniques and continue the lineage.

November 1, 1969:
The 10th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (HWA RANG DO® Hdqts-Jong Ro, Seoul, Korea)

December 1969:
HWA RANG DO® Demonstration on NBC-TV ‘s “The Steve Allen Show” – worldwide distribution. (HWA RANG DO® USA Hdqts. Huntington Park, California)

April 9, 1970:
The 11th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (HWA RANG DO® National Hdqts. – Jong Ro, Seoul, Korea)

April 1, 1971:
The 12th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (HWA RANG DO® National Hdqts. – Jong Ro, Seoul, Korea)

February 1972:
HWA RANG DO® Demonstration for H. Humphrey Presidential Fundraising Campaign. (Beverly Hills, California – USA)

July 1972:
HWA RANG DO® Founder Dr. Joo-Bang Lee arrives in the United States of America – at this time there were 68 Hwa Rang Do schools in Korea with 16 of them in Seoul. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

July 1972:
Rainbow Publication’s BLACK BELT MAGAZINE features Grandmaster Joo-Sang Lee on it’s cover. (Burbank, California)

July 16, 1972:
HWA RANG DO® exhibition at the Oriental Culture Festival for the City of Los Angeles. (Echo Park,California)

August 13, 1972:
NBC Documentary of HWA RANG DO® Nae Gong Technique is produced by 7-Star Productions USA & worldwide distribution. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

November 6, 1972:
The 13th Korean Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo is held. (Jang Chang Sports Arena – Seoul, Korea)

December 1972:
PROBE MAGAZINE features Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo-Bang Lee on it’s cover for the premiere issue. (Los Angeles, California)

January 9, 1973:
HWA RANG DO® on Korea’s TBC- TV Show. (Seoul, Korea)

January 15, 1973:
HWA RANG DO® 2nd Exhibition on Korea’s TBC-TV Show. (Seoul, Korea)

April 15, 1973:
The 14th WHRDA Martial Arts Championships and Expo is held. (Downey HS Gym – Downey, California)

June 7, 1973:
The Korean Hwa Rang Do Association moves its National Headquarters. (Jung Gu Myong Dong – Seoul, Korea)

June 16, 1974:
The 15th World Hwa Rang Do Assoc. Martial Arts Championships & Expo is held. (Huntington Park Gym-Huntington Park, California)

October 1974:
HWA RANG DO® techniques taught to Instructors at L.A. County Sheriff’s Academy. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

November 14 / 15, 1974:
The 16th World Hwa Rang Do Assoc. Martial Arts Championships and Expo is held. (Honolulu Int’l Center – Honolulu, Hawaii)

December 25, 1974:
World Martial Art Demonstration & Expo – HWA RANG DO® receives BEST MARTIAL ART AWARD. (Hyatt Hotel – Phoenix, Arizona)

March 10, 1975:
U.S. Army Special Forces Training Program begins Hand-to-Hand Combat School conducted by Michael Echanis. (Ft. Bragg, North Carolina)

April 29, 1975:
The 17th Oriental Martial Arts Championships & Expo Is held. (Ventura College Gym – Ventura, California)

May 1, 1975:
The 18th WHRDA Championship & Expo is held. (ASU Gymnasium – Phoenix, Arizona)

May 7, 1975:
Arizona’s Governor – The Honorable Raul H. Castro is presented with an honorary Black Beltin HWA RANG DO®. (Phoenix, Arizona)

August 1, 1975:
The 19th WHRDA Championships & Expo is held. (San Diego Sports Arena – San Diego, California)

October 11, 1975:
HWA RANG DO® Exhibition for American Cancer Society. (Pasadena College – Pasadena, California)

May 8, 1976:
WHRDA Exhibition at Utah University Gym. (Salt Lake City, Utah – USA)

October 4, 1976:
Exhibition at World Martial Art Expo. (New Mexico University – Albuquerque, New Mexico)

December 15, 1976:
ABC-TV films HWA RANG DO® Documentary movie “Unknown Powers”narrated by Jack Palance – worldwide distribution. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

January 1977:
Rainbow Publication’s BLACK BELT MAGAZINE features Dojoo Nim Dr. Joo-Bang Lee on it’s cover with extensive coverage inside. (Burbank, California – USA)

June 1977:
Rainbow Publication’s BLACK BELT MAGAZINE features HWA RANG DO® Military Instructor Michael Echanis on it’s cover. (Burbank, California – USA)

July 1977:
HWA RANG DO® exhibition at the Oriental Culture Festival for the City of Los Angeles. (Echo Park, California – USA)

August 20, 1977:
HWA RANG DO® techniques demonstrated & taught to Instructors at L.A. County Sheriff’s Academy. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

August 1977:
World Hwa Rang Do Association with Ohara Publications releases 3-Volume series of books authored by Founder Dr. Joo-Bang Lee ” The Ancient Martial Art of HWA RANG DO®.” (Burbank, California – USA)

October 5, 1977:
Japan Organization Martial Arts Expo. (L A Convention Center – Los Angeles, California)

November 10, 1977:
HWA RANG DO® techniques demonstrated and taught to Instructors at Los Angeles Police Academy. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

September 1978:
Rainbow Publication’s BLACK BELT MAGAZINE features HWA RANG DO® Military Instructor Michael Echanis on it’s cover. (Burbank, California – USA)

September 20, 1978:
HWA RANG DO® Expo at World Martial Arts Expo & Championships. (Houston Sports Center – Houston, Texas)

September 1978:
WHRDA Military Training Book Series (3-Vol’s) released through Ohara Publications. (Burbank, California – USA)

January 1979:
Rainbow Publication’s BLACK BELT MAGAZINE features Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo-Bang Lee on it’s cover for the ’78 Annual Edition. (Burbank, California – USA)

January 26, 1979:
World Martial Arts Expo-HWA RANG DO® Demonstrations. (L.A. Sports Arena – Los Angeles, California)

March 1979:
HWA RANG DO® Military Training commences at USMC. (Camp Pendelton, California – USA)

May 3, 1979:
U.S. Escrow Association -HWA RANG DO® Demonstration. (Downey, California – USA)

September 13, 1979:
HWA RANG DO® Exhibition / demonstration before Top Command at Main Headquarters -11th Marines. (Camp Pendelton, California)

November 1979:
HWA RANG DO® exhibit and demos “Exotic Sports Expo.” (L.A. Convention Center – Los Angeles, California)

March 1, 1980:
ABC -TV HWA RANG DO® Documentary of Nae Gong & Shin Gong Technique – USA

April 28, 1980:
ABC-TV 2nd Documentary – Alan Landsberg Prod. – worldwide distribution. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

May 2, 1980:
HWA RANG DO® Exhibition at Second Oriental Cultural Event. (UCLA – Brentwood, California)

October 1980:
Korean Cultural Festival & the Korean American Culture Association – HWA RANG DO® Exhibition. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

November 23, 1980:
NBC-TV HWA RANG DO® Documentary -Don Ohlemeyer Productions (Hanford, California – USA)

December 24, 1980-January 4, 1981:
Hollywood Universal Studios, HWA RANG DO® Demonstrations – 3 times daily. (Universal City, California – USA)

April 21, 1981:
Fund-raiser demonstration for Downey Kiwanis Club. (Downey, California – USA)

May 1981:
Rainbow Publication’s BLACK BELT MAGAZINE featured Dojoo Nim Dr. Joo-Bang Lee on cover. (Hollywood, California)

May 31, 1981:
The 20th World Hwa Rang Do Assn. Martial Arts Expo & Championships is held. (Sante Fe HS Gym – Sante Fe Springs, California)

June 1981:
CFW Enterprises KICK MAGAZINE features Founder Dr. Joo-Bang Lee on it’s cover. (Hollywood, California – USA)

September 16, 1981:
HWA RANG DO® Demo on KMEX-TV’s “Mundo Latino” – worldwide distribution. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

November27-29, 1981:
HWA RANG DO® Demos at Knott’s Berry Farm with Cathy Lee Crosby. (Buena Park, California – USA)

March 1982:
The International HWA RANG DO® Masters Demonstration Team arrived in the USA. (Hwa Rang Do® Int. Hdqts. – Downey, California)

May 2, 1982:
The 21st International Martial Arts Championship & Exposition is held – Alan Landsberg Production Company films the Masters’ Demonstrations. (Sante Fe HS Gym – Sante Fe Springs, California)

August 1982:
World Hwa Rang Do Assoc. conducts 2 week Seminar Demo. Tour in the United Kingdom. (London/Bradford – England)

August 1982:
BBC-TV HWA RANG DO® Invitation Demonstration United Kingdom / European Broadcast. (Leeds, England)

August 28, 1982:
The 22nd International Martial Arts Championship & Expo is held. (Jam Sil Sports Arena – Seoul, Korea)

September 1982:
HWA RANG DO® Military training in USMC expands. (Camp Pendelton, Mira Mar, North Island/Coronado, CA)

April 15-17, 1983:
U.S. Marine Corps Officer’s training Seminar – top- ranking hand-to-hand combat specialists flew in from all parts of 1983 USA for specialized training.

May 1983:
HWA RANG DO® “Juniors” Demonstration for ON-TV television with Bob Chandler – U.S.A. distribution. (Hollywood, California – USA)

September 1983:
Formation of the HWA RANG DO® Intercollegiate Council – Branches include: USC, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, CSULB, ASU, NSA, and UCI. (Los Angeles, California)

January 1984:
Unique Publications KICK MAGAZINE features Master Tae-Joon Lee on it’s cover. (Hollywood, California)

March 1984:
Intercollegiate Martial Arts Championship is held. (World Hdqts. – Downey, California)

May 1984:
Korea Expo – HWA RANG DO® Exhibition. (Anaheim Convention Center – Anaheim California)

December 1984:
HWA RANG DO® Demonstration. (Carson City, Nevada)

March 1985:
Intercollegiate Martial Arts Championship (BIG MAC I) is held. (USC Gym – Los Angeles, California)

April 1985:
HWA RANG DO® exhibition for Japanese Television Documentary. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

June 1985:
HWA RANG DO® taught to bodyguards of Guatemala’s President. (Guatemala City, Guatemala)

July 1985:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar & Demonstration. (Olympia, Washington – USA)

August 1985:
HWA RANG DO® European tour. First HWA RANG DO® school opens in Europe. (Castrop-Rauxel, Germany)

Rainbow Publication’s NINJA- FIGHTING STARS features Master Tae-Joon Lee on it’s cover. (Burbank, California – USA)

March 1986:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championship & Demonstrations

BIG MAC II is held. (Bren Event Center – U C Irvine, California)

April 1986:
CFW Enterprises INSIDE KUNG FU features Master Tae-Joon Lee on cover. (Hollywood, California – USA)

May 1986:
“An Evening of Martial Arts” HWA RANG DO® Exhibition. (UC Irvine – Irvine, California)

June 1986:
Rainbow Publications BLACK BELT MAGAZINE features Master Tae-Joon Lee on it’s cover. (Burbank, California)

June 1986:
HWA RANG DO® “Sulsa Camp” is founded. (Southern California – USA)

July 1986:
HWA RANG DO® seminar. (Olympia, Washington)

March 1987:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championship & Demonstrations (BIG MAC III) is held. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

June 1987:
HWA RANG DO® “Sulsa Camp” is conducted. (Southern California – USA)

July 1987:
HWA RANG DO® seminar. (Olympia, Washington)

October 1987:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar & Exhibition Invitational Veteran’s Memorial Fundraiser. (Wichita, Kansas – USA)

March 1988:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championship & Demonstrations(BIG MAC IV) is held. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

March 1988:
BLACK BELT MAGAZINE features Master John Huppuch on cover. (Burbank, California – USA)

June 1988:
HWA RANG DO® “Sulsa Camp” is conducted.- World HDQTS. (Southern California – USA)

July 1988:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar. (Olympia, Washington)

August 1988:
HWA RANG DO® European Seminars & Exhibitions. (Castrop-Rauxel, Germany)

March 1989:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations (BIG MAC V) is held. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

April 1989:
“The Ancient Martial Art of Hwa Rang Do ” books translated into Danish & Swedish. (Copenhagen, Denmark)

January 1990:
TAE SOO DO™ is founded (Undergraduate Hwa Rang Do® System). (Downey, California – USA)

March 1990:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations (BIG MAC VI) is held. (Bren Event Center- UC Irvine, California)

July 1990:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar. (Olympia, Washington)

August 1990:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar & Exhibition Hawaiian Martial Arts Expo. (Honolulu, Hawaii – USA)

August 1990:
HWA RANG DO® Exhibition for Hawaiian TV “Moving Company.” (Honolulu, Hawaii – USA)

September 1990:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar & Exhibition. (Madison, Wisconsin)

January 1991:
HWA RANG DO® Instructor is technical advisor on 20th Century Fox’s feature film “Unlawful Entry.” (Los Angeles, California – USA)

March 1991:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations (BIG MAC VII) is held. (Bren Event Center- UC Irvine, California)

May 1991:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar & Exhibition. (Phoenix, Arizona)

June 1991:
HWA RANG DO® “Sulsa Camp” is conducted.- World HDQTS. (Southern California – USA)

July 1991:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar. (Olympia, Washington)

September 1991:
HWA RANG DO® Master Tae-Joon Lee choreographs and stars in Menacham Golan Production ‘s “The Finest Hour” with Rob Lowe. (Los Angeles, California – USA / Jerusalem, Israel)

November 1991:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar & Exhibition. (Madison, Wisconsin)

December 1991:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar & Exhibition. (Olympia, Washington)

March 1992:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships Demonstrations
(BIG MAC VIII) is held. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

April 1992:
HWA RANG DO® Feature Movie begins filming starring Master Tae-Joon Lee Title ” American Chinatown.” (Los Angeles, California)

May 1992:
CFW Enterprises INSIDE TAE KWON DO MAGAZINE features”The First Family of HWA RANG DO®” -Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo-Bang Lee & both sons on the cover. (Burbank, California – USA)

July 1992:
HWA RANG DO® Seminar. (Olympia, Washington)

October 1992:
HWA RANG DO® technical advisor in Columbia Pictures feature film –
Arnold Swarzenegger’s “The Last Action Hero.” (Los Angeles, California – USA)

November 1992:
HWA RANG DO® Seminars & Exhibitions – European Tour. (Germany and Poland)

November 1992:
HWA RANG DO® Exhibition at BUDO-GALA EXPO (largest martial art expo in Europe). (Dortmund, Germany)

February 1993:
German Martial Arts Publication “Spiegel Tae Kwon Do” features Master Tae-Joon Lee on the cover of their magazine. (Germany)

March 1993:
German Martial Arts Magazine “Karate Budo” features Master Tae-Joon Lee on cover. (Germany)

March 13-14, 1993:
HWA RANG DO® Exhibit & Demos at US Martial Arts Convention. (Pasadena, California)

March 1993:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations (BIG MAC IX) is held. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

May 1993:
Premiere of Park’s Production “American Chinatown.” (Seoul, Korea)

July 30, 1993:
9th Annual Northwest HWA RANG DO® Seminars. (Olympia, Washington – USA)

August 9-16, 1993:
HWA RANG DO® Intensive Summer Seminars. (World Headquarters – Downey, California)

October 2, 1993:
Inauguration of the WHRDA Newsletter “The Tradition.” (Los Angeles, California – USA)

October 2, 1993:
U.S.A. 25th Silver Anniversary Banquet. (Westin Bonaventure Hotel – Los Angeles, California)

October 9, 1993:
East Coast HWA RANG DO® Championships & Demonstrations – 6th Annual (Union, New Jersey – USA)

March 12, 1994:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations(Big MAC X) is held. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

March 1994:
Intensive HWA RANG DO® Seminars. (Arcata, California)

April 24, 1994:
HWA RANG DO® Demonstration at BUDO-GALA (largest martial arts expo in Europe). (Dortmund, Germany)

April 25, 1994:
HWA RANG DO® Demonstrations at the BUDO-GALA. (Munich, Germany)

April 27, 1994:
HWA RANG DO® Demonstrations at the BUDO-GALA. (Frankfurt, Germany)

April 23-May 3, 1994:
HWA RANG DO® Seminars and European Tourincluding various Feature Television Programs. (Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Netherlands)

May 8, 1994:
East Coast HWA RANG DO® Intensive Seminars. (Union, New Jersey – USA)

June 15, 1994:
Intensive HWA RANG DO® Seminar. (Moberly, Missouri)

August 1994:
Intensive HWA RANG DO® Seminar.- World HQ. (Downey, CA)

October 9, 1994:
East Coast HWA RANG DO® Championships & Demonstrations – 7th Annual. (Union, New Jersey – USA)

October 16, 1994:
World Martial Arts Fest ‘94 Open Championships and Master’s Expo. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, CA)

December 9, 1994:
Intensive HWA RANG DO® Seminar. (Madison, Wisconsin)

Winter 1995 :
Founder Dr. Joo-Bang Lee featured on the cover of “DOJANG” Magazine. (San Jose, California – USA)

March 13, 1995:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations-BIG M.A.C. XI. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

June 14, 1995:
KSCI – TV “Sport’s Rap” Television Show. (Los Angeles, California – USA)

August 26, 1995:
35 Year Jade Anniversary Banquet & Inter-HWA RANG DO® Championships. (Westin Bonaventure Hotel -Los Angeles, California)

October 1, 1995:
Martial Arts Fest ‘95 Open Championships & Demonstrations. (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

April 21, 1996:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations. – BIG M.A.C. XI (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

October 13, 1996:
Martial Arts Fest ’96 Open Championships & Demonstrations (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

March 23, 1997:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations. – BIG M.A.C. XII (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

September 28, 1997:
Martial Arts Fest ’97 Open Championships & Demonstrations (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

May 5, 1998:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations. – BIG M.A.C. XIII (Bren Event Center – UC Irvine, California)

June 6, 1998:
Intensive HWA RANG DO® Seminar. (Madison, Wisconsin)

February 28, 1999:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships. (Madison, Wisconsin)

July 23 – 24, 1999:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars. (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 25, 1999:
HWA RANG DO® Championships. (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 26 – 31, 1999:
HWA RANG DO® Black Sash Conference (Downey and West Los Angeles, CA)

March 4, 2000:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships. (Madison, Wisconsin)

March 12, 2000:
Intercollegiate & Open Martial Arts Championships & Demonstrations. -BIG M.A.C. XV (Gersten Pavilion- Loyola Marymount University, California)

July 21-22, 2000:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 23, 2000:
40th Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships. (Los Angeles, CA)

July 24-30, 2000 :
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference. (Los Angeles, CA)

September, 2000:
Founder Dr. Joo-Bang Lee featured on the cover of “Black Belt” Magazine.

October 8, 2000:
East Coast HWA RANG DO® Championships & Demonstrations -13th Annual. (Union, New Jersey – USA)

March 3, 2001:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships. (Madison, Wisconsin)

March 11, 2001:
Prelim Tournament (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 20-21, 2001:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 22, 2001:
41st Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships. (Los Angeles, CA)

July 23-29, 2001:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference. (Los Angeles, CA)

October 5, 2001:
HWA RANG DO® Seminars with Dojoonim. (Minneapolis, MN)

October 13, 2001:
East Coast HWA RANG DO® Championships & Demonstrations -14th Annual. (Union, New Jersey – USA)

March 2, 2002:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships. (Madison, Wisconsin)

March 10, 2002:
Prelim Tournament (West Los Angeles, CA)

May 18 – June 4, 2002:
European Seminar Tour (England, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden)

June 8, 2002:
MUSA Challenge – HWA RANG DO® Tournament (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

July 26-27, 2002:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 28, 2002:
42nd Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships (Los Angeles, CA)

July 29-Aug 4, 2002:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference (Los Angeles, CA)

October 12, 2002:
East Coast HWA RANG DO® Championships & Demonstrations – 15th Annual. (Union, New Jersey – USA)

October 19-20, 2002:
Intensive HWA RANG DO® Seminars (Madison, WI)

March 1, 2003:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships (Madison, Wisconsin)

July 25-26, 2003:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 27, 2003:
43rd Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships (Los Angeles, CA)

July 28-Aug 3, 2003:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference (Los Angeles, CA)

October 11, 2003:
East Coast HWA RANG DO® Championships & Demonstrations – 16th Annua. (Union, New Jersey – USA)

October 17 & 18, 2003:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, MN)

March 4 & 5, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (U.S. Army Fort Benning, GA at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation)

March 6 & 7, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Madison, WI)

April 16 & 17, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Portland, OR)

May 1 & 2, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Rome, Italy) Sponsored by the Italian Government

May 5 & 6, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Vlissingen, Netherlands)

May 8 & 9, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Copenhagen, Denmark)

May 15 & 16, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Phoenix, AZ)

July 10 & 11, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, MN)

July 17 & 18, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Arcata, CA)

August 18 – 27, 2004:
HWA RANG DO® Korea Trip (Global return to our martial art homeland) – See Highlights!

October 9, 2004:
East Coast HWA RANG DO® Championships & Demonstrations – 17th Annual (Union, New Jersey – USA)

April 9 & 10, 2005:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

May 31 – June 2, 2005:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Denmark)

June 7 & 9, 2005:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Netherlands)

June 11 & 12, 2005:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Genoa, Italy)

July 22 & 23, 2005:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 24, 2005:
45th Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships (Los Angeles, CA)

July 25 – 31, 2005:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference (Los Angeles, CA)

October 15 & 16, 2005:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Madison, Wisconsin)

November 12 & 13, 2005:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Leon, Mexico)

November 19-20, 2005:
Italian HWA RANG DO® Sulsa Championship (Genoa, Italy)

January 21 & 22, 2006:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Chicago, Illinois)

March 18 & 19, 2006:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

April 1 & 2, 2006:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Phoenix, Arizona)

April 29, 2006:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships (Madison, Wisconsin)

May 20, 2006:
HWA RANG DO® Seminars with Dojoonim (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

June 30 – July 2, 2006:
European HWA RANG DO®  Seminars and Championships with Do Joo Nim (Rome, Italy)

July 21 & 22, 2006:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 23, 2006:
46th Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships. (Los Angeles, CA)

July 24 – 30, 2006:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference. (Los Angeles, CA)

March 3 & 4, 2007:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

April 28, 2007:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships (Madison, Wisconsin)

July 20 & 21, 2007:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 22, 2007:
47th Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships. (Los Angeles, CA)

July 23 – 29, 2007:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference. (Los Angeles, CA)

September 22 & 23, 2007:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Madison, Wisconsin)

March 8 & 9, 2008:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

May 28 – June 1, 2008:
European HWA RANG DO®  Seminars and Championships with Kuk Sa Nim (Rome, Italy)

July 25 & 26, 2008:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 27, 2008:
48th Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships. (Los Angeles, CA)

July 28 – August 3, 2008:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference (Los Angeles, CA)

September 27 & 28, 2008:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Madison, Wisconsin)

November 8, 2008:
MUSA Challenge – HWA RANG DO® Tournament (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

March 7 & 9, 2009:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

May 2, 2009:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships (Madison, Wisconsin)

May 23, 2009:
Taejoon Lee receives his 8th Dan Degree Black Sash in HWA RANG DO® and is granted Grandmaster “Kuksanim” Title

June 2-7, 2009:
European HWA RANG DO®  Seminars and Championships with Kuk Sa Nim (Pisa, Italy)

July 24 & 25, 2009:
HWA RANG DO® Open Public Seminars (West Los Angeles, CA)

July 26, 2009:
49th Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Interschool Championships. (Los Angeles, CA)

July 27 – August 2, 2009:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference (Los Angeles, CA)

September 2009:
HWA RANG DO® Mission in Angola by group of the Italian instructors and students

October 3 & 4, 2009:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Madison, Wisconsin)

November 9, 2009:
MUSA Challenge – HWA RANG DO® Tournament (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

March 6 & 7, 2010:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

April 23 & 24, 2010:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships (Madison, Wisconsin)

July 30 & 31, 2010:
50th Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Championships (Los Angeles, CA)

August 1 – 8, 2010:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference & Public Seminars (Los Angeles, CA)

October 2 & 3, 2010:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Madison, Wisconsin)

November 12 & 13, 2010:
MUSA Challenge – HWA RANG DO® Tournament (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

November 19-21, 2010:
European HWA RANG DO® Seminars & Demo in Czechoslovakia

April 8 & 9, 2011:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships (Madison, Wisconsin)

November 11, 2011:
WHRDA Strategic Summit for Masters, Instructors, & Officers (Big Bear, CA)

November 19, 2011:
MUSA Challenge – HWA RANG DO® Tournament (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

June 24th – July 4th 2011:
HWA RANG DO® Italy’s 10th Anniversary, Black Sash Conference, Public Seminars, and Championships with Do Joo Nim & Kuksanim (Rome, Italy)

August 24 & 25, 2011:
HWA RANG DO® Special Public Seminars (Los Angeles, CA)

August 27, 2011:
51st Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Championships (Los Angeles, CA)

March 3 & 4, 2012:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

April 28 & 29, 2012:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships (Madison, Wisconsin)

August 4, 2012:
Grandmaster Taejoon Lee Inducted into Martial Art Museum Hall of Fame (Los Angeles, CA))

August 18, 2012:
52nd Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Championships (Los Angeles, CA)

August 19 – 26, 2012:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference & Public Seminars (Los Angeles, CA)

September 29 & 30, 2012:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminar. (Madison, Wisconsin)

November 10, 2012:
MUSA Challenge – HWA RANG DO® Tournament (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

March 2 & 3,2013:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

May 4, 2013:
Midwest HWA RANG DO® Championships (Madison, Wisconsin)

July 27 & 28, 2013:
53rd Year Anniversary Banquet & HWA RANG DO® Championships (Los Angeles, CA)

July 29 – August 3, 2013:
HWA RANG DO® Special Black Sash Conference & Public Seminars (Los Angeles, CA)

September 28 & 29, 2013:
HWA RANG DO® World Tour Seminars (Madison, Wisconsin)


U.S.A., Korea, Philippines, Mexico,Canada, Argentina, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark, Spain, France.