Form and Sparring Competition Rules & Regulations
for Color Belts & Black Belts
1. Each competitor is solely responsible for their conduct, preparedness,
and knowledge of all rules and regulations set forth.
2. It is the competitor's duty to be present at ringside when his/her division
is called. He/She is to be properly attired, as well as physically and mentally
ready to compete.
3. Failure to comply with the following may result in penalization or disqualification.
Proper focus and readiness is imperative for the competitor so that no injuries
or delays may occur.
1. If a competitor is not suitably attired and ready to perform, an automatic
warning will be issued.
2. 1 penalty point is issued for every 1 minute the competitor is not ready.
3. Upon receiving a 3rd penalty point, the competitor will be disqualified.
1. If a competitor is not suitably attired and ready to perform, .5 points
will be deducted from the total score for the first minute.
2. For the next full minute competitor is not ready, another .5 points will
be deducted from the total score.
3. Upon receiving 2 penalties, competitor will automatically be disqualified
(giving them a total of 1 minute and 59 seconds to enter the ring).
**No late entries once division is started. No exceptions, no refunds!**
1. All contestants must have proof of age.
2. If there is a valid reason to question the age of a competitor, he/she
must provide a birth certificate, driver's license, etc. for validation.
3. If proof of age cannot be presented, and competitor wins their division,
rating points and awards will be held until proof of age is furnished.
4. Proof of age must be provided within 5 days of the tournament date in order
to receive awards.
1. All competitor's must wear a complete (top & bottom) uniform that
is appropriate for their style.
2. No offensive words of artwork are allowed on the uniform.
3. Proper sash or belt must be worn in competition.
a. Sparring Uniforms - No t'shirts, sweats, tank tops, or shoes.
b. Form Uniforms - T'shirts, sweat shirts, tank tops, shoes are allowed if
they are part of the competitor's official school uniform.
**Removal of top is not allowed in any form or weapon divisions.**
1. Mouth guard, headgear, hand pads, foot pads, and for males, groin protectors,
are required for all sparring divisions
a. Hand pads must cover fingers, wrists, and all areas of the hand.
b. Foot pads must cover the instep, sides, toes, ankle, and back of heel.
c. Headgear must cover forehead, sides, and back of the head.
1. Match starts and ends only by referee's command (not the timekeeper).
2. Referee has final decision on any dispute on any score during the match.
3. Referee has power to issue warnings and award penalty points without a
majority decision.
4. Can overrule a majority point call if a warning or penalty is issued.
5. Referee has power to disqualify after 3 penalty points. If other, he/she
must have a majority rule.
6. Referee has power to issue time outs if competitor asks for one. Referee
will decide if time out is relevant to the call.
7. JUDGES - Judges call points as they see them. Referee and judges will call
the point simultaneously. NO LATE CALLS! Judges will also be asked to vote
on a disqualification ruling.
1. Half Black and Under Forms:
a. Scoring will be divided into 2 categories - (1)Difficulty Level and (2)Technical
1. Average base score is 6.00 to 9.00 for difficulty level.
2. Average base score is 6.00 to10 for technical level.
2. Black Belt Form Divisions:
a. Scoring will be divided into 2 categories - (1) Difficulty Level and (2)
Technical Level.
1. Average base score will be 6.00 to 10 for difficulty level.
2. Average base score will be 6.00 to 10 for technical level.
a. TECHNICAL - Form, execution, balance, and grace during movements.
1. Form - Structure and pattern of the overall combination of stances and
2. Execution - Proper delivery of techniques with power and focus.
3. Balance - Maintaining proper positioning and distribution of weight while
executing all individual techniques.
b. DIFFICULTY - Level of complexity and dynamics.
1. Complexity - The maximum use of the potential range of the human body.
2. Dynamics - The delivery of a complex movement or combination with charisma
and precision.
4. Sparring Divisions:
a. Beginner:
1. 1 point for hand technique
2. 2 points for foot technique
3. 2 minute time limit
4. 5 points total match
b. Intermediate:
1. 1 point for hand technique
2. 2 points for foot technique
3. 3 points for aerial kick technique to the head
4. NO points for sweeps
5. 2 minute time limit
6. 5 points total match
c. Advanced:
1. 1 point for hand technique
2. 2 points for foot technique
3. 3 points for aerial kick technique to the head
4. 3 or 2 points for takedown technique depending if both opponent's feet
leave the ground or not (+1pt for hand technique following takedown, 1pt possible
if counter is delivered before follow-up)
5. 2 minute time limit
6. 5 points total match
d. Black Belts:
1. 1 point for hand technique
2. 2 points for foot technique
3. 3 points for aerial kick technique to the head
4. 3 or 2 points for takedown technique depending if both opponent's feet
leave the ground or not (+1pt for hand technique following takedown, 1pt possible
if counter is delivered before follow-up)
5. 3 minute time limit
6. Accumulative points at the end of 3 minutes.
e. Additional notes:
1. Lead hand techniques to the body do not score points in ANY
division. Only a reverse hand technique will count for points to the body.
Lead hand techniques to the head in intermediate divisions and higher DO
count for points.
2. In Black Belt Divisions half point will be given for sloppy technique (1/2-hand,
1-foot, 1 ½-aerial) and full points will be given for all clean, focused
techniques only!
1. In all traditional form divisions, no music will be allowed.
2. Musical forms - music is mandatory
a. Music should by synchronized with the movements of the form or weapon routine.
Music must be intrinsic part of routine.
b. During finals music may or may not be synchronized to moves.
3. Use of Gymnastics:
a. In traditional forms, gymnastics is allowed only if acrobatics is indicative
to the style.
b. Showmanship & Musical forms-acrobatics must pertain to the overall
continuity of the form - and cannot be used without a proper follow-up transition/
4. Showmanship & Demonstration:
a. Must have more than 1 competitor (fighting
skit, or self defense techniques)
b. Music is optional.
c. 3 minute time limit.
d. Weapons are allowed.
5. Musical Forms:
a. Only 1 competitor with music being synchronized to movements.
b. Music is mandatory.
c. 3 minute time limit.
d. Weapons are allowed.
6. Group Forms:
a. Must have 2 or more competitors.
b. Form must be synchronized or flow properly
with all members in the group.
c. Music is optional.
d. 3 minute time limit.
e. Weapons are allowed.
1. In the event of an exchange, in which a point and a penalty occur at the
same time, each technique will be evaluated separately. If the competitor
commits a penalty, this holds precedence over a score. A person can score
a point and also receive a penalty point in the same exchange.
2. No coaching shall be permitted from the sidelines. This will result in
a warning followed by a disqualification of the competitor. NOTE: Coaching
will be allowed only during the evening finals (only 1 coach may assist in
between rounds only).
3. Rude, vulgar, disrespectful, or abusive behavior from a competitor will
result in immediate disqualification.
4. A competitor is only allowed to speak during a match with permission from
center referee - only regarding injury, equipment, point clarification, or
for the assistance of an arbitrator.
5. Causes of Penalization:
a. Attacking illegal target areas.
b. Using illegal techniques.
c. Intentionally running out of the ring to avoid fighter.
d. Continuing after being ordered to stop.
e. Excessive stalling of contact.
f. Blind uncontrolled attacks.
g. Any un-sportsmanlike conduct of any kind.
h. Not being prepared when called upon.
6. Legal Target Areas:
a. Beginner:
1. No contact to any part of head, neck, throat, spine, groin, and nothing
against joints.
2. Light to medium touch to body (below neck, above the belt).
3. Light contact to the kidneys.
4. Front to front leg contact (not to be done as a sweep, only as a leg check,
b. Intermediate:
1. No contact to any part of the face, spine, groin, neck, throat, and nothing
against joints.
2. Light contact to protected areas of the head.
3. Light to medium contact to the body.
4. Light contact to the kidneys.
5. Sweeps to opponent's front leg only, using the lead or reverse leg, no
points for take-down.
c. Advanced & Black Belts:
1. No contact to any part of the face, spine, groin, neck, throat, and nothing
against joints.
2. Light contact to protected areas of head.
3. Light to medium contact to the body.
4. Light contact to the kidneys.
5. Takedowns allowed - note: All Takedowns must be executed without touching
both knees to the ground or falling. Must land onto one knee or standing in
order to acquire the points. The only exception is the sacrifice takedown
on body scissors or spinning body scissors.
• Takedown 2 Points
-All Sweeps & Leg Hooks
-Midsection Takedowns
-Leg Pickup or Kick Defense Takedown where one leg of the opponent remains
on the ground
• Takedown 3 Points - All throws where both of the opponent’s legs are off
the ground
-Shoulder Throw
-Hip Throw
-Kick defense
• Sacrifice Takedown – 3 points
-Body Scissors
-Spinning body scissors
2. Leg sweeps - Beginners or child divisions can not do any sweeps of any
kind during sparring divisions. **NOTE** Intermediate ranks can only sweep
the front leg of their opponent.
3. Sweeping other than the front leg of the opponent (includes front to rear
and rear to rear) is only allowed in Advanced and Black Belt Divisions.
4. Grabbing:
a. Collar, sleeves and leg grabbing is allowed.
b. No grabbing of the neck.
c. Leg grabbing can only be used when an individual attempts a takedown, such
as kick defense or leg-pickup takedowns.
d. Tackling to the body or legs are allowed only for an attempted takedown
and not to push opponent out of the ring and cannot fall to both knees. Either
one knee or standing.
e. No ground fighting or grappling.
g. Grabbing torso with one hand to assist a leg sweep is allowed.
5. Scoring:
a. A clean intentional take-down with the proper balance (one knee is accepted,
two knees will forfeit the takedown) and remain on top of the opponent - 3
or 2 points will be awarded depending on if the opponents feet leave the ground
or not.
b. Following the take-down an individual can score 1 extra point to any legal
target area with a hand technique only.
c. Person who is being taken-down can counter with a hand/foot technique to
legal target areas during or after the take-down.
Important - person being taken-down can only score a total of 1 point regardless
of hand or foot.**
d. 2 second time limit for take-down execution.
1. If take-down is not executed within 2 seconds, the person who initiates
will receive no points.
2. Center referee will count aloud 1 . . . 2 while take-down is being attempted.
3. After the take-down, you have 2 seconds to score an extra point with follow
e. No spinning kicks for the use of take-down except in Hwa Rang Do divisions.
Only low spin kicks are allowed in Hwa Rang Do divisions only as a takedown
and never against the joint, causing injury to the opponent may result in
1. Boundaries:
a. During any kick, punch, aerial kick, take-down, you must remain in bounds
with at least 1 foot.
b. Person in bounds can score on person out of bounds with a kick or punch
c. Person out of bounds cannot score a point.
d. Running out of bounds intentionally - not being pushed or kicked out will
result in (1) a warning, and (2) a penalty point.
2. Any 3 penalty points - result is disqualification.
3. Contact Defined:
a. Light Contact - A touch to target areas with no moderate to extreme folding
of the body or shaking of the head.
b. Medium Contact - A strike that causes slight or moderate fold of body or
shaking of head.
c. Excessive Contact - Any contact causing swelling, bleeding, dizziness,
unconsciousness. (includes "getting the wind knocked out" which
may result in a penalty point).
4. In case of a tie - The competitors will go into overtime (sudden death).
No time limit & the first to score a point with a unanimous decision wins.
1. All form competitors will be judged individually.
2. Starting form over:
a. Color belts - If competitor must start the form over, .5 points will be
deducted from total score.
b. Black Belts - If competitor must start the form over, they will automatically
be disqualified.
3. Only weapons that are under consistent control may be used.
4. No throwing stars, arrows, or flying projectiles of any kind are allowed.
5. Center referee will inspect all weapons before competition begins.
6. Dropping or Breaking Weapon - (1) If the weapon breaks in any division
(color belt & black belt), the competitor will be disqualified. (2) If
competitor drops weapon in color belts, .5 points will be deducted from total
score. Competitor may only restart once, the second time he/she will receive
the bottom base score. In Black Belt Weapon Divisions, if the competitor drops
the weapon, he/she will not be allowed to restart and will receive the bottom
base score.
7. In the event of a tie - In color belts and black belt divisions, the high
and low score will be added. If still a tie, competitor must perform the same
form again. If still a tie, judges will point to competitor for a majority
ruling for the winner.
**EXCEPTION** - In the case of first place and grand champion black belt competition, competitor's must present their form once AGAIN.